Be Responsible With Graduation Balloons
But customers also need to be aware that June is also the busiest month for Southern California Edison. That is because June is the busiest month for power outages due to the unnecessary release of metallic balloons from graduation ceremonies and parties.
Customers can help prevent these outages by being responsible when they purchase their balloons such as using them indoors for events but the most important thing is to remember to properly weight the balloon.
By law all foil balloons are to be individually weighted when they are sold to the customer.
So this graduation season take responsibility of your Foil balloons and where ever you decide to buy your balloons make sure that each Foil balloon is individually weighted before leaving the store.
You can find more information about this topic here.
Metallic Balloon Outages Remain a Towering Problem
The Safest Metallic Balloon
Metallic Balloon Outages Remain a Towering Problem
The Safest Metallic Balloon
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